Who can take the Doula Alliance training?
Anyone with a passion for families during the pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum stages can be a doula. We do require you to be at least 18 years old but there are many ways that people younger than 18 can learn by helping through the community outreaches and workshops before they even get trained, so if you aren't 18 years old yet, please contact us and let us know so we can help plug you into areas where you could learn and grow in this field.
We've been asked if a woman over 50 can be a doula and the answer is yes! The Doula Alliance highly respects and is thrilled to be able to draw on the wisdom of a woman seasoned by life. Births are physically draining on a doula, so co-doulaing would be highly recommended, but you're never too old to be a doula.
How do I get certified and how does the training work online?
We've held our doula training at hospitals, conference centers, office spaces, and even in a trainer's home, but how does it work when you take the training online? Well, we tried to make it as simple as possible for you!
When you pay for the Doula Alliance Training you will receive an email from PayPal saying that your transaction was a success. Within the next few hours you will receive another email with a download for the unit that you purchased. If you have purchased the whole course there will be one download with all 6 units. This download can only be used once, so please remember to save it to your computer. When you're finished reading each unit, follow the instructions on the last page of your unit to take your test (this will be done for all 6 units). Once you finish one unit, you should start working on the next until you have completed all of them, even if we haven't corrected your test yet. All tests are corrected once a week and you will receive an email with your test results. All 6 units and 6 tests need to be completed for your certification.
Attend 3 births (preferably shadowing another doula, though, not necessary). After each birth, fill out and email us your birth summary. When we receive the third one, someone from the Doula Alliance will contact you to finalize your journey.
After all these steps are complete, you will receive your official certification in the mail and will be added to the Doula Alliance website as a working doula in your area!
Can you tell me what to do with the units that I need to download?
The units you download are your training manual. Since each unit can only be downloaded once, the first thing you should do is save it to your computer. Then, print out each one, hole punch them, and add them to a 3-ring binder which needs to be either 1 1/2 inch or 2 inches depending if you print on both sides of the paper. This binder can be used for easy studying and quick referencing during tests and even throughout your time as a working doula.
Can you explain a little more about the tests at the end of each unit?
The tests after each unit are a mixture of multiple choice, fill in the blanks, answer in your own words and true and false. You can use your training manual to find your answers but the tests are timed. You will need internet access to take your tests. You will need to receive a 70% or higher. You will have more than one chance to take the test, if needed. These tests will be graded within a week of being submitted then you will be notified by email of your score. You will get a PDF copy of all of your tests and you can add them to your doula binder.
How long does it take to become certified?
The length of time it takes usually varies from as little as a few months to as much as 3 years. This course is as flexible as you need it to be. You will work unit by unit until all 6 units are completed. There is not a cut-off date for you to finish by.
Is the training is for birth doula or postpartum doula certification?
The simple answer is that it will train you in both. You will have the power to choose which one you'd like to be based on what fits for your life. So in a sense you are getting two trainings in one. If you are in the middle of raising small children or have a full time job that isn't very flexible, you may need to have your doula life more structured, so being a postpartum doula might be the answer for you during this time. After that season in your life is over and you have more available time to focus on pregnancy and being on-call for births, you can then spend more time working as a birth doula. There is freedom and flexibility in this work...choose where your passion lies and what works best for you and your family.
I just had a baby, is it too soon to go through the training?
A lot of women want to be a doula shortly after they go through childbirth. We believe it's a fantastic idea to go through a doula training while your children are still very young but it's also very challenging to take care of your family and your clients, be on-call, and be at a birth which will take you away from your family for extended periods of time. Our advice to women who have young children would be to spend this time studying and learning the ins and outs of business, being involved as much as possible in community outreaches, focus on doing postpartum work and attending as many or as few births a year as you feel you can.
What do you get from this doula training?
Knowledge of how to find your hospital's protocols
Comfort measures
Communication skills
Understanding of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum
How to help women be successful at breastfeeding
Information on how to create your own doula business, find clients and interact with them professionally
How do I receive all of the business documents from unit 6?
After you have passed the test for unit 6 you will be sent an email with directions to access all of the business documents. You should save them to your computer, modify them to your business, and use them for your clients.
Are there any other fees or hidden costs to keep my doula certification?
Once you become certified you don't ever have to pay annual re-certification fees! All of our documents are included in your original training fees so you don't have any hidden costs either. We do encourage you to seek out more education to fine tune your doula skills though.
Does the certification work for any state? Is it International?
Yes, your Doula Alliance certification will translate to any state or country you live in. Our training teaches you how to run your doula practice wherever you may live. We explain how you can get to know the resources, protocols, and business information for your area.
How does this training compare to the other trainings out there?
The Doula Alliance is quickly becoming recognized as one of the most comprehensive trainings around! We fill in the gaps that the other trainings leave behind. We have simplified the process and made it incredibly easy for you to understand and learn by. We have lots of information about natural remedies, essential oils, herbs, and aromatherapy to give you great tools for your doula practice. We pride ourselves on having the information you need to become a successful business-minded doula!
Do you have refunds?
Yes! If you choose not to do the program for any reason before you download one or more of the units, a full refund (minus a $50 registration fee) will be credited to your account.
If you choose to discontinue the program after you've downloaded any of the units, no refund will be credited to your account.
The Doula Alliance will empower you to figure out what type of doula you want to be and then help you succeed at it!
Please contact us if you have any questions that weren't answered on this page.
Thank you for considering the Doula Alliance for your doula training agency.